Do you live out of town or just need help decorating a grave? Click below to learn about our programs!
Is your loved ones marker looking a little rough? Click below for more information on refinishing options.
Curious when and how you can decorate your loved ones grave? Click below for our rules and regulations.
We offer a year-round flower program. Each of the 4 seasons, we'll switch out the flowers on your loved ones grave for you.
We also offer a Christmas Wreath and Grave Blanket program in the winter. These are fresh wreaths or grave blankets made of balsam fir that we place on your loved ones grave for you before Thanksgiving. They are removed in mid-March.
Below is a link to an order form for each program, or contact the office for more information.
Contact the office today to inquire about our marker refinishing options. Our staff has been professionally trained to refinish bronze markers to their original beauty, right here on-site! If you have a marker that needs to be refinished, call us today for a quote!
Memorial Park Services understands and respects the need for families to show respect and love for those interred in our Memorial Park through the placement of floral offerings at the gravesite.
The following rules and regulations regarding flower placement and removal have been enacted in order to preserve the aesthetic beauty of our Park. In addition, these policies will help to insure the safety of all who visit our Park, as well as those who maintain them.
Only floral arrangements, both fresh-cut and artificial, may be placed at the interment location at any time throughout the year. All arrangements must be placed in an approved, permanent, vase receptacle. Arrangements must not exceed 18 inches above the top of the vase or, more than 18 inches in diameter for ground interments. Arrangements in our mausoleum must not exceed 12 inches above the vase or 10 inches in diameter.
We highly encourage the placement of fresh-cut arrangements. We accept no responsibility or liability for any items placed at the site that is removed, missing, or stolen.
Out of consideration to those with recent deaths, funeral flowers, along with all other funeral items, will be left at the site for (5) days. Family members should remove any funeral items they wish to keep at the conclusion of the graveside service.
Holidays and Special Days of Honor
During the following holiday periods of time and special days of honor, appropriate seasonal flowers and arrangements may be placed at the interment site. In addition, small flags may be placed during all occasions listed below when our veterans are honored.
Valentine’s Day Easter Mother’s Day Memorial Day
Father’s Day July 4th Halloween Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Christmas
Decorations may be placed (5) days prior to the holiday. All decorations not in a permanent vase will be removed (5) days following the holiday.
Family members and friends who would like to commemorate a significant date in the life of their loved one (such as date of birth) by placing special floral arrangements at the site, should prior to placement, inform any one of our cemetery personnel to help ensure that these special placements will not be disturbed or removed during this time.
Flower Removal Policy
Floral arrangements, both fresh-cut and artificial, will be removed from interment sites when they become wilted, discolored, unsightly, or seasonably inappropriate and will be discarded by cemetery park personnel.
Any non-floral arrangement items placed at any interment site, including, but not limited to, ceramics, statuary, potted plants, fences, windmills, balloons, glass, baskets, shepherd hooks, or stands, will be removed from the site immediately. No planting or digging will be allowed on any interment site. No edging or rock may be placed around any memorial. Items attached to mausoleum or columbarium facings, such as cards, photographs, or wreaths, will be removed as well. These items will be “tagged” for identification purposes and stored for a maximum of (45) days from the removal date. For assistance in retrieving these items, please contact any one of our cemetery park personnel.
Mausoleum decorations must be placed in a crypt vase only or on a dedicated pedestal purchased through the cemetery. ONLY bronze nameplates, bronze vases (of similar style to existing vases), bronze lettering or emblems, or porcelain portraits purchased through the cemetery will be allowed to be attached to crypt faces. Some items, if approved, may be purchased from an outside company, but will still require an installation/administrative fee paid to Memorial Park Services. Any other items attached, without expressed written consent from cemetery management and the crypt owner, will be removed. If the removed item(s) causes any damages, you will be held financially responsible. For safety reasons, flowers placed on the floor will be removed.
We have two clean-up days every year in which all decorations will be removed, and vases will be turned down. On March 15th, we will start picking up arrangements, including all Christmas wreaths and grave blankets, to prepare the grounds for the spring mowing season. Spring cleanup is typically completed by April 1st. On October 15th, we will remove ALL decorations and turn ALL vases down to prepare for the fall leaf pickup. Fall cleanup is typically completed by November 1st. Vases turned back up after October 15th may fill with water or snow and could freeze, and may break, during the winter. There is also the potential of equipment running over the vase if it is covered with snow and cannot be seen. If this happens, the family will be financially responsible to replace or repair the vase, if desired.
We thank you for your cooperation and compliance to these policies. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of our staff for assistance.
Memorial Park Services, Inc.
Memory Gardens Cemetery – Iowa City
Memorial Lawn Cemetery – Ottumwa
Burlington Memorial Park – Burlington
Sunset Memorial Park – Keokuk
Memorial Lawn Cemetery – Fairfield
Hillcrest Memorial Park – Ft. Madison
(844) 283-9337
All adult memorials being set or purchased from an outside monument company will need to be 24” x 12” x 4” (base) at the smallest. If larger, it must fit within the lot space, which is 42” wide. The fee for the outside memorial company to set the stone is $150. If we set the stone, it is $425 for a marker 28” wide or less and $525 for a marker 29” wide or more. Upright memorials are only allowed in certain areas of the cemetery. Please call if you have any other questions. Remember, if you purchase your memorial directly through the cemetery, it will always be covered under our insurance…should it ever be damaged, vandalized, etc., it will be replaced at no additional cost to the family.
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